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lifelong learner, online learning coordinator, social studies online teacher, adjunct instructor, case monitor, technology integrationist, alternative high school teacher, mom, abstract random, orange, ENTP-A, ideation, input, includer, stratgic, command...

Friday, October 16, 2015


We hear a lot of talk about privilege...racially, economically, socially, etc. but just what is privilege?What does it look like?  Why is it such a hard concept to discuss or admit?  The following is a very poignant video giving us a very real look at privilege.

There are many details that can be discussed and analyzed with this video, but the fact of the matter stands that some of us were born with more privilege than others and that can have deep impact on our lives.  I have a favorite quote that hangs right above my desk; I do not know who to attribute it to so my apologies, but I will leave you with it, "privilege is when you think something is not a problem because it is not a problem to you personally."