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lifelong learner, online learning coordinator, social studies online teacher, adjunct instructor, case monitor, technology integrationist, alternative high school teacher, mom, abstract random, orange, ENTP-A, ideation, input, includer, stratgic, command...

Friday, August 22, 2014

Let's Get Creative!

Found this infographic on a creative writing blog and thought is was also very related to teaching...especially #5, #10, & #13.  We all need to find ways to be creative in our classrooms and allow our students to be creative in their learning!  Try one of 29 ideas next week!!  I vow to do #8 every day!

Obtained from:  http://writerswrite1.wordpress.com/2013/04/24/29-ways-to-stay-creative/

1 comment:

  1. I meet your challenge to implement #8 everyday, and I raise y'all to tackle #13, also. Let's get busy!
