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lifelong learner, online learning coordinator, social studies online teacher, adjunct instructor, case monitor, technology integrationist, alternative high school teacher, mom, abstract random, orange, ENTP-A, ideation, input, includer, stratgic, command...

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Instructional Coaching Reflection--Year One

As a teacher, I always spent those first few days of summer break in quiet reflection of the school year.  I remembered the celebrations, the challenges, the tears, and the exuberant screams of joy each student brought to my life.  I processed my teaching, thinking back on the lessons and the student responses to those lessons, jotting down ideas and things to change for the upcoming school year.  It was so important to me to look over the big picture of the whole year with knowledge and calmness only hindsight can offer.

Today marks the end of my first year as an instructional coach.  As I look back my year, I am overwhelmed by the kindness, curiosity, and courage of my fellow teachers.  Throughout my year, I saw teachers staying up until all hours of the night to make their lessons just right and trying out a new tool in their classroom, trusting a coach to support them through the learning process.  Staying late after school to create authentic projects to better engage their students.  Teachers willing to do anything and everything to help their students find success in their classroom.  I feel so fortunate to be a part of their lives and thrilled to be a witness to all the amazing things that happen daily at my school.  The following video is an "oldie but goodie" and should be watched on a regular basis by teachers so they never lose sight of just what all the hard work is for!!  We truly do make a difference!!  Thank you for a wonderful year!!

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