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lifelong learner, online learning coordinator, social studies online teacher, adjunct instructor, case monitor, technology integrationist, alternative high school teacher, mom, abstract random, orange, ENTP-A, ideation, input, includer, stratgic, command...

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Teaching Perspectives

Today teachers are not only working with a very diverse group of students in their classroom, but are also preparing those students to work within this vast diversity in their adults lives.  Experts have spoken to the need for teaching perspectives and the current/future development of a global economy.   To learn more attend the upcoming Global Education Conference, a round the clock online conference, Monday, November 16 through Thursday, November 19, 2015.  Educators from all over the globe offer and attend webinars presented around the clock and in multiple languages to discuss global issues and strategies in education.  

Some members of our teacher class with our server, Miguel.
All teachers agree it is important to teach their students how to understand various perspectives, but do not know how to make it happen or have to focus so much on content that it is overwhelming to think to add more.  To better prepare themselves for teaching to a multi-cultural classroom, the best thing teachers can do is to go experience these cultures and learn new perspectives for themselves.  To support teachers in this goal, I started teaching a new staff development class for the West Des Moines Community Schools, called Culturally Responsive Teaching.  Teachers will spend the semester working through multi-cultural simulations, visiting with people from multi-cultural perspectives (in their homes, at festivals, and in the classroom), and experiencing various religious houses of worship. Our first experience included lunch at Mi Patria, an Ecuadorian restaurant in West Des Moines, IA.  The meal was delicious and personally, I was thrilled to get a hug from a former student of mine, who was our server!!  I will be sharing more of our experiences throughout the semester, as well as thoughts from the teachers in the class.  
Ecuadorian Vegetarian Meal at Mi Patria

To get started in your classroom, here are some resources that I have found helpful:  


  1. I really love this idea. You are lucky to live in an area that has so many different cultures available. I am wondering what I could do to help my small rural school?? Any thoughts?

    1. Thank you! Does your community have any body that has immigrated in? That would be a great first step, giving them an opportunity to tell their story to their teachers or the community. You could also look into putting together a multi-cultural celebration, ask the kids to bring in food or items from their own culture to share or use a nonprofit organization, like Cultureall, to bring in people from outside your community to share with them.
